
culture + environment creating health + wellbeing engaged research

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Luna Dolezal News

Shame in Medicine: The Lost Forest

“Shame in Medicine: The Lost Forest” is a 10-part audio documentary series produced by The Nocturnists in collaboration with the Shame and Medicine project at the University of Exeter. It draws on the stories of over 200 healthcare workers across the United States, the United Kingdom, and beyond, this series explores how shame manifests in medical culture. Alongside each […]


New PhD Students join the Wellcome Centre

As the old academic year draws to a close, and we begin to prepare for the new academic year starting in September, WCCEH are delighted to announce the appointment of a new cohort of PhD students to join the Wellcome Centre during the 2021/22 academic year. Four of these students are funded by our core […]


Shame, Stigma and COVID-19

WCCEH are delighted to share that Luna Dolezal, Fred Cooper and Arthur Rose have received a UKRI-AHRC COVID Rapid Response Grant (AH/V013483/1) for a project called “Scenes of Shame and Stigma in COVID-19”.  This project will identify and investigate, through philosophical, cultural studies and historical analyses, the sites and circumstances of shame, shaming, stigma and […]


Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures

Luna Dolezal is a Co-Investigator on the Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award project ‘Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures’ which is launching their new website this week: https://itdfproject.org The project is the first to combine expertise in arts and humanities, design, robotics and users of assistive technologies to increase understanding of how disability and embodiment are currently represented and used, and the ways in which […]


Shame and Medicine

The Shame and Medicine project has officially started, and is launching a new website! (See: https://shameandmedicine.org) Shame and Medicine is an interdisciplinary research project funded by a Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award. The project is led by Luna Dolezal (Exeter) and Matthew Gibson (Birmingham) and based at the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health […]


Centre-sponsored conference is held fully online for the first time

WCCEH were pleased to co-sponsor the British Society of Phenomenology’s 2020 conference, which, due to the pandemic, was held entirely online for the first time. Despite this, the engagement and participation was incredible from the 150 attendees, especially in the Q&A sessions. The BSP’s conference was co-hosted by the Centre’s Luna Dolezal and Jessie Stanier, […]


The Department of Ultimology

The Department of Ultimology Ultimology is the study of endings, and the essay ranges across multiple disciplines; history of art, communications technologies, linguistics, the climate emergency, the history of disease and personal stories. Centre academics Dora Vargha and Luna Dolezal contributed to this RTE radio essay written by Fiona Hallinan and Kate Strain.  
