We are committed to building and sustaining a Centre culture that is defined by: respect, inclusivity, generosity, safety, transparency, justice, and equality. Being a part of our Centre means sharing, upholding, and promoting these commitments in public and private. We expect all members of our community to adhere by these principles; this includes all Centre staff and students, as well as our collaborators, our affiliates, visitors to our Centre, and attendees at our events.
We are committed to anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-disablism and anti-classism. We are an LGBTQIA+ positive space, and a trans*-inclusive space. We are committed to decolonising our research. We respect the experiences, capabilities and capacities of those with whom we work.
We recognise that sometimes we get things wrong. When that happens, we appreciate the opportunity to make things right. We encourage our community to communicate issues kindly and generously to each other. We strive to learn from our mistakes and take the opportunity to learn more about creating an inclusive space when it arises.
This is a living statement and feedback to wellcomecentre@exeter.ac.uk is welcome.
+44 (0)1392 722143