
culture + environment creating health + wellbeing engaged research

Kelechi Anucha

Centre Associate

I am a PhD candidate working on the relationship between time and care in contemporary end of life narratives, as part of the Wellcome Trust-funded research project Waiting Times. My supervisor is Prof Laura Salisbury.

I studied for my BA in English Language and Literature at the University of Leeds and recently completed my MA in Modern Literary Studies at Goldsmiths College, University of London. My MA dissertation considered post-human visions of the body in late-twentieth century speculative fiction. As part of the ‘Mediterranean Imaginaries’ Erasmus program between Goldsmiths and the University of Malta, I also recently examined the aesthetics of ‘late style’ in JM Coetzee’s As a Woman Grows Older.

Why I am associated with the Centre

My current project focuses on contemporary end-of-life literature and visual cultures, paying particular attention to representations of impeded, disrupted and alternate temporalities. I am interested in how advances in techno-science have reshaped the way in which the dying body is experienced and culturally represented from 1990 to the present. My research is informed by various disciplines, including literary theory, critical medical humanities, phenomenology and theories of the post-human.

Something about me you can’t Google!

I am interested in sound art and the ways technology can be used to extend the limits of the human voice. I am part of NYX, an electronic drone choir that looks to re-shape the role of the traditional female choir, testing the limits of organic and synthetic modulation to explore the entire spectrum of collective voice as an instrument. NYX is supported by Arts Council England, commune, Ableton, The Pickle Factory and The Quietus.