Choksey, L. (2021) Narrative in the Age of the Genome: Genetic Worlds. London: Bloomsbury. OA.
Fischer, C. and Dolezal, L. (eds.) (2018) New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment. Palgrave MacMillan, Breaking Feminist Waves Series.
Rose, N. and Fitzgerald D. (2022). The Urban Brain: Mental Health in the Vital City. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Groom, N. (2018) The Vampire: A New History. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Jackson, M., and Moore, M. (eds). (2020) Balancing the Self: Medicine, Politics and the Regulation of Health in the Twentieth Century. Manchester: Manchester University Press. OA
Jackson, M. (ed.). (2018) A Global History of Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jackson, M. (2022) Broken Dreams: An Intimate History of the Midlife Crisis. London: Reaktion.
Vargha, D. (2018) Polio Across the Iron Curtain: Hungary’s Cold War with an Epidemic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Global Health Histories Series. OA.
Dolezal, L. (2020) ‘Disability as Malleability: The Prosthetic Metaphor, Merleau-Ponty and the Case of Aimee Mullins’. In D Butnaru (Ed.). Medial Bodies Between Fiction and Faction: Reinventing Corporeality. London: Transcript-Verlag, pp. 123-144.
Fischer, C. and Dolezal, L. (2018) ‘Contested Terrains’. In L Dolezal and C Fischer (Ed.). New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment. Palgrave MacMillan Breaking Feminist Waves Series, pp.1-13.
Green, J and Bell, K. (in press) ‘Neoliberalism’. In J Gabe & L Monaghan (eds) Key concepts in medical sociology. London: Sage
Jackson, M. (2018) `One world, one health? Towards a global history of medicine’, in Jackson, M. (Ed.), A Global History of Medicine. New York: Oxford University Press
Jones, C., Slater, J., Cleasby, S., Kemp, G., Lisney, E., and Rennie, S. (2020) ‘Pissed Off! Disability activists fighting for toilet access in the UK’. In M Berghs, T Chataika, and Y El-
Lahib (Eds.). Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 219-231.
Andrade, DC., Assis, JV de M., Maia, TD da S., and Barros, VC. (2019) ‘Notas sobre ecologias (d)e mosquitos’. In VC Barros and CM Feitosa (Ed) Produtos Naturais de Combate ao Aedes aegypti. Campinas: Editora Átomo..
Salisbury, L., (2019) ‘Beckett’s Disabled Language’. In J-M Rabaté (ed.) The New Samuel Beckett Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-214
Salisbury, L. (2018) ‘Psychoanalysis and Other Psychologies’. In U Maude and M Nixon (Eds.). The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature. London: Bloomsbury, pp.285- 306.
Salisbury, L. and Baraitser, L. (in press) ‘Depressing Time: Waiting, Melancholia, and the Psychoanalytic Practice of Care’. In E Kirtsoglou & B Simpson (Eds). The Time of Anthropology: Studies of Contemporary Chronopolitics. London: Bloomsbury OA
Stanier, J. and Miglio, N. (in press) ‘Painful experience and constitution of the intersubjective self: a critical-phenomenological analysis’. In S. Ferrarello (Ed.). Phenomenology of Bioethics: Technoethics and Lived-Experience. Springer Nature. OA
Thomas, F. and Fietje, N. (2020) ‘Capturing the cultural narratives of well-being’. In K Acharya and A Plough (Eds). Creating a Culture of Well-being. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, F. and Hansford, L. (2019) ‘Supporting mental health in low-income communities: implications for justice and equity’. In P Aggleton, A Broom and J Moss (Eds). Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change. London: Routledge
Vargha, D. (2018) ‘Polio and Disability in Hungary’. In C Kudlick, K Nielsen, and M Rembis (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Disability History. Oxford University Press.
Ciftci, E., Barreto, M., Doyle, D. M., Van Breen, J., & Darden, S. K. (in press) Distancing or drawing together: Sexism and organizational tolerance of sexism impact women’s social relationships at work. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Zhang, M., Barreto, M., & Doyle, D. (in press) Stigma reduces trust in others. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/1948550619829057
Carrieri, D., Pearson, M., Mattick, K., Papoutsi, C., Briscoe, S., Wong, G., & Jackson, M. (2020) Interventions to minimise doctors’ mental ill-health and its impacts on the workforce and patient care: the Care Under Pressure realist review Health Services and Delivery Research, (19), 1-132, available at
Carrieri, D., Jackson, L., Bewshea, C., Prainsack, B., Mansfield, J., Ahmad, T., Hawkins, N., & Kelly, SE. (2018) Ethical issues in genomic research: proposing guiding principles coproduced with stakeholders. Clinical Ethics. DOI: 10.1177/1477750918802420
Carrieri, D., Peccatori, F., & Boniolo, G. (2018) Supporting Supportive Care in Cancer: The ethical importance of promoting a holistic conception of quality of life. Clinical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology DOI:10.1016/j.critrevonc.2018.09.002
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Carrieri, D., Briscoe., S., Jackson, M., Mattick, K., Papoutsi, C., Pearson, M., & Wong, G. (2018) ‘Care Under Pressure’: a realist review of interventions to tackle doctors’ mental ill- health and its impacts on the clinical workforce and patient care. BMJ Open, 8:2,
Power, J.M., Dolezal, L., Lawlor, B., & Kee, F. (2018) Conceptualising Loneliness in Health Research: Philosophical and Psychological Ways Forward. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38 (4): 219-234.
Lyons, B., Gibson, M., & Dolezal, L. (2018) Stories of Shame. The Lancet 391:1568-1569.
Hurst, R. & Dolezal, L. (2018) Cosmetic Surgery as ‘Cut-Up’: The Body and Gender In The Breyer P-Orridge Pandrogeny Project. Configurations 26 (4): 389-409.
Hanckel, B., Milton, S., & Green, J. (in press). Unruly bodies: resistance, (in)action and hysteresis in a public health intervention. Social Theory & Health.
Hansford, L., Thomas, F. & Wyatt, K. (2019) The impact of the Work Capability Assessment on mental health: claimants’ lived experience and GP perspectives in low- income communities. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 27(3): 351-368.
Heney, V. (2020) Unending and uncertain: thinking through a phenomenological consideration of self-harm towards a feminist understanding of embodied agency. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 21(3), 7-21.
Dixon-Woods, M., Campbell, A., Chang, T., Heney, V et al. (2020) A qualitative study of design stakeholders’ views of developing and implementing a registry-based learning health system. Implementation Sci 15(16).
Hinchliffe, S., Jackson, M., Wyatt, K., Barlow, A., Barreto, M., Clare, L., Depledge, MH., Durie, R., Fleming, LE., Groom, N & Morrissey, K. (2018) Healthy publics: enabling cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications, 4(1): 1-10 DOI:
Habersaat, KB., Betsch, C., Danchin, M., Sunstein, CR., Böhm, R., Falk, A., Brewer, N., Omer, S., Scherzer, M., Sah, S., Fischer, M., Scheel, A., Fancourt, D., Kitayama, S., Dubé, E., Leask, J., Dutta, M., MacDonald, N., Temkina, A., Lieberoth, A., Jackson, M. et al. (2020) Ten considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transition. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-11.DOI:
Jackson, M. (2020) Life begins at 40: the demographic and cultural roots of the midlife crisis. Notes and Records, 1-20, DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2020.0008
Jones, C. & Slater, J. (In press) ‘Transphobia and Toilets’. In S Erikainen, R Pearce and B Vincent (Eds.). TERF Wars, The Sociological Review.
Jones, C., Young, I. & Boydell, N. (In press) The People vs the NHS: Biosexual citizenship and hope in stories of PrEP activism. Somatechnics
Jones, C. (2020) Intersex, Infertility and the Future: Early Diagnoses and the Imagined Life Course. Sociology of Health & Illness, 42 (1): 143-156
Jones, C. & Chappell, A. (2019) Feminist education for university staff responding to disclosures of sexual violence: a critique of the dominant model of staff development. Gender and Education
Williams, AJ., Maguire, K., Morrissey, K., Taylor, T., & Wyatt, K. (2020) Social cohesion, mental wellbeing and health-related quality of life among a cohort of social housing residents in Cornwall: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health. 09078-6
Geissler, PW., Gerrets, R., Kelly, AH., Mangesho, P., Poleykett, B. & Okwaro, FM. (2020) Remembering Africanization: two conversations among elderly science workers about the perpetual promissory. Africa, 90 (1): 18-34.
Baraitser, L. & Salisbury, L. (2020) ‘Containment, Delay, Mitigation: Waiting and Care in the Time of a Pandemic’, Waiting and Care in Pandemic Times. Wellcome Open Research, 2020.
Salisbury, L. (2020). “Between-time Stories”: Waiting, War, and the Temporalities of Care’. Medical Humanities, 46 (2) doi: 10.1136/medhum-2019-011810
Bastian, M., Baraitser, L., Flexer, M.J., Hom, A.R., & Salisbury, L. (2020) Special Issue, The Social Life of Time, Time & Society, 29 (2)
Miglio, N. & Stanier, J. (eds). (2021 – forthcoming). ‘Pandemic politics & phenomenology’ [Special Issue], Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology.
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Wyatt, K., & the DeStress team (2020) An engaged approach to exploring issues around poverty and mental health: a reflective evaluation of the research process from researchers and community partners involved in the DeStress study. Health Expectations,
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., & Wyatt, K. (2020) The violence of narrative: embodying responsibility for poverty-related distress. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42(5): 1123-1138 .
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Ford, J., Wyatt, K., McCabe, R., & Byng, R. (2019) How accessible and acceptable are current GP referral mechanisms for IAPT for low-income patients? Lay and primary care perspectives. Journal of Mental Health, 30: 1-6
Ford, J., Thomas, F., McCabe, R. & Byng, R. (2019) How do patients respond to GP recommendations for mental health treatment? British Journal of General Practice Open, DOI:
Ford, J., Thomas, F., Byng, R., & McCabe, R. (2020) Use of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) in practice: interactions between patients and physicians. Qualitative Health Research DOI: 1049732320924625
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Wyatt, K., & the DeStress team (2020). An engaged approach to exploring issues around poverty and mental health: a reflective evaluation of the research process from researchers and community partners involved in the DeStress study. Health Expectations,
Higgins, S., Thomas, F., Goldsmith, B., Brooks, S. J., Hassall, C, Harlow, J., Stone, D., Volker, S., & White, P. (2019) Urban freshwaters, biodiversity, and human health and well- being: setting an interdisciplinary research agenda. WIRES Water, 6(2): e1339
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Ford, J., Wyatt, K., McCabe, R., & Byng, R. (2018) Moral narratives and mental health: rethinking understandings of distress and healthcare support in contexts of austerity and welfare reform. Palgrave Communications, 4(1):1-8
Vargha, D. (accepted). Technical Assistance and Socialist International Health: Hungary, the WHO, and the Korean War, History and Technology (Special Issue ‘Improvisation is the rule, and flexibility an absolute necessity’: technical assistance from colonial rule to Cold War imperative. Eds. E Suarez-Diaz and G Mateos)
Vargha, D. (2018) The Socialist World in Global Polio Eradication. Revue d- Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest (RECEO), 49 (1): 71-94
Vargha, D. (2018). Socialist Utopia in Practice: Everyday Life and Medical Authority in a Hungarian Polio Hospital. Social History of Medicine, 31 (2): 373-391
Proctor, R., Williams, AJ., Guell, C., & Wyatt, K. (in press). What is the evidence base for integrating health and environmental approaches in the school context to nurture healthier and more environmentally aware young people? A systematic scoping review of global evidence. Health and Place
McHugh, C., Hurst, A., Bethel, A., Lloyd, J., Logan, S.,& Wyatt, K. (2020) The impact of the World Health Organization Health Promoting Schools framework approach on diet and physical activity behaviours of adolescents in secondary schools: a systematic review. Public Health 182: 116-124.
Wyatt, K., Durie, R.H., Grand, L.A., Groom, N., Hinchliffe, S., Jackson, M., & Purtell, R., (2018) Engaged Research and Public Engagement Implementation Strategy, WCCEH.
Ledingham, K., Hinchliffe, S., Jackson, M., Thomas, F., & Tomson, G. (2018) Antibiotic resistance: using a cultural contexts of health approach to address a global health challenge, WHO Europe
Thomas, F., Di Giovine, M., Ubertazzi, B., Foot, J., & Jackson, M. (forthcoming) Italy: a National Profile of Health and Wellbeing, Copenhagen: WHO
Marais, J., Kazakova, O., Suvalo, O., & Thomas, F. (2020) Narratives of Early Life Trauma in Belarus and Ukraine, Copenhagen: WHO Europe
Thomas, F. (2018) Culture and Reform of Mental Health in Central and Eastern Europe, Copenhagen: WHO
Napier, D., Depledge, M., Knipper, M., Ponarin, Sanabria, E., & Thomas, F. (2017) Culture Matters: Using a Cultural Contexts of Health Approach to Enhance Policy-Making, Copenhagen: WHO Europe
Choksey, L. (2020) Review of ‘Farhan Samanani, Race in Britain: Inequality, Identity and Belonging’ in Cumberland Lodge Research Associate Conference Blog (2018), Wasafiri.
Choksey, L. (2019, April) Windrush, Welfare, and Caring for History [Blog post]. Media Diversified. Retrieved from caring-for-history/
Choksey, L. (2018, October) Decolonial Speculative Fiction and Fantasy [Blog post]. Global Social Theory. Retrieved from fiction-and-fantasy/
Dolezal, L., (2020) Intercorporeality and Social Distancing: Phenomenological Reflections. The Philosopher, Vol. 108, No. 3.
Rose, A, & Dolezal, L. (2020, May) Saving Face and Public Health [Blog Post]. BMJ Medical Humanities Blog. Retrieved from humanities/2020/05/26/saving-face-and-public-health-policy-during-covid-19/
Rose, A., & Dolezal, L. (2020, May) ‘Stigma and the Logics of Wartime’ Covid- 19, Fieldsights. Available online
Dolezal, L., & Rose, A. (2020) “Naming and Shaming: Covid-19 and the Health Professional.” BMJ Medical Humanities Blog.
Carter, S, Green, J., & Speed, E. (2020, March) COVID-19: A sociological critique [Blog post]. Cost of Living.
Bell, K., & Green, J. (2020) Premature evaluation? Some cautionary thoughts on global pandemics and scholarly publishing Critical Public Health 30 (4): 1-4 [editorial]
Jones, C., Chappell, A., & Alldred, P. (2019, August) Tackling sexual violence requires more than victim support: Why don’t survivors of sexual violence tell people about their experiences? [Blog Post]. Wonkhe.
Heney, V. (2019, November) Refusing Resolution: Narratives of Self-harm The Polyphony. Retrieved from
Heney, V. (2019) Book Review: Why Do We Hurt Ourselves?: Understanding Self-harm in Social Life and Self-injury, Medicine and Society: Authentic Bodies The Sociological Review
Heney, V. (2018, October) The Interpretive Difficulties of Self-Harm in “Sharp Objects” [Blog post] Cost of Living.
Maia, TDda S. (2020). The mosquito struggle: other-than-vector ecologies in a ‘Zika-free’ Brazilian sertão. In: ‘Histórias of Zika’. Reis Castro, Luisa. Somatosphere.
Maia, TDdaS. (2019) Review: Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers and Excitable Matter: Myers, Natasha (2015). R@U – Revista de Antropologia da UFSCar. Sao Paulo, 11(2): 402-407.
Raawiyah, R, (2020) Home Office Centre of Excellence Unit submission (to develop a relationship between policy makers and ECRs).
Vargha, D. (2019) ‘Gefärliche Jahre’. Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 24 (Co-authored with Tobias Rupprecht)
Vargha, D. (2018) ‘Windrush Scandal: a historian on why destroying archives is never a good idea’. The Conversation, April 24.
Robin Durie, Luna Dolezal, Jessie Stanier, EU Network Workshop on the Phenomenology of Wellbeing, KU Leuven, Belgium, 26-27th June, 2019.
Veronica Heney, Co-organiser, Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference, University of Exeter, July, 2019.
Mark Jackson, Midlife Conversations: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Health and Well- being in Middle Age, 13-14th September 2018.
Martin Moore, Co-Organiser, Speaker and Participant, “What The Papers Said: The NHS at 70 – Promises and Discontents”, Public Workshop run with the Centre for Medical History, Exeter Cathedral, September 2018.
Martin Moore, Co-Organiser and Participant, 70th Birthday Party for the NHS, Interactive Public Event run with Exeter Library and University of Warwick, Exeter Library, June 2018.
Branwyn Poleykett (co-organised with Enda Santé), Research networking workshop – Partenariat pour une alimentation durable pour la santé et la nutrition, West Africa Research Centre, Dakar, 29-30 January 2020.
Branwyn Poleykett (with Anna Wood), Household returns: rethinking the household through new biomedical models and welfare practices, ASAUK, St Andrews, 24-27 August 2020.
Branwyn Poleykett, Commercial Determinants of Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives WCCEH/WHO Seminars, 7 May 2020 (postponed)
Branwyn Poleykett, (with Noémi Tousignant) Chronic Histories in Organs Chronic Living: Quality, Vitality and Health in the Twenty First Century Copenhagen, 23-25 April 2020 (postponed)
Jessie Stanier, Veronica Heney, Zaina Mahmoud, Organising Committee, Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities conference, 24-25 June 2019.
Felicity Thomas, Poverty, Pathology and Pills, international conference, Wellcome Collection Jan 15th-16th 2019.
Lara Choksey, “Interiority after the genome.” Symposium on Genetics and Privacy. Vanderbilt University, US. May 2020. — with travel bursary from Vanderbilt.
Fred Cooper, ‘Loneliness and mental health: pathways and complexities, past and present.’ Invited paper, UKRI Loneliness Network Symposium, University College London. 2020.
Fred Cooper, ‘The modern killing disease: loneliness in post-war Britain.’ Invited paper, World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Culture and Health seminar on loneliness and isolation, University of Exeter. 2018.
Luna Dolezal, ‘Unbounded Shame’: Disrupting Social Cohesion Online and Offline’, Social Cohesion Workshop, Centre for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen. March 2020
Luna Dolezal, ‘The Horizons of Chronic Shame’, Centre for Subjectivity Research Lecture Series, University of Copenhagen. September 2019
Luna Dolezal, ‘Chronic Shame and Health’, Centre for Health Promotion, Roskilde University, Denmark. September 2019
Luna Dolezal, ‘Considering Cultures and Environments of Health’, Medical Humanities Symposium, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark, May 2019.
Robin Durie, Keynote Lecture, ‘Exploring the Value of Developing Place Based Approaches and Solutions to Loneliness’, Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath, 12th July, 2018
Mark Jackson, Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Lecture, `Life Begins at 40’, Royal Society, 13 May 2019.
Mark Jackson, Keynote, Australian and New Zealand Society for the History of Medicine annual conference, University of Auckland, December 2019.
Felicity Thomas, ‘How appropriate are current primary care responses to poverty-related distress?’, Society for Academic Primary Care conference, July 2019
Felicity Thomas, ‘Mental health and poverty: perspectives from social science’, European Psychiatry Association conference, July 2020 (online)
Dora Vargha, ‘Histories of Medicine in the 21st Century’. HPS Virtual Conversation series, Cambridge University, May 19, 2020 (open to non-academic audience through Zoom and recording made available on HPS website)
Dora Vargha, ‘Polio and Global Health Politics. Pandemic, Creating a Usable Past: Epidemic History, COVID-19, and the Future of Health’ Zoom Webinar, AAHM and Princeton University, 8-9 May, 2020 (open to non-academic audience through Zoom and recording made available on AAHM website)
Fred Cooper, ‘Mid-Life Conversations’, International, transdisciplinary conference on health and well-being in middle age. University of Exeter, 2018.
Robin Durie, ‘Creating the conditions for health in low income communities: how to take a complex systems approach’. Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Unit, British Library, 26th June, 2018.
Lorraine Hansford, ‘Engaged Methodology’, DeStress ‘Poverty, Pathology and Pills’ conference, London, January 2020.
Lorraine Hansford, ‘Research that Impacts on Public Policy’, South West Network for Medical Humanities Regional Event, May 2019.
Veronica Heney, ‘Troubling narrative experiences: Sticking with self-harm’, Northern Network for Medical Humanities Congress, University of Sheffield, Jan 2020.
Veronica Heney, ‘Certain uncertainty: An analysis of the constraints and possibilities of gendered medical professionalism as taught to and understood by trainee doctors in the UK’, BSA Medical Sociology Conference, University of York, Sept 2019.
Veronica Heney, ‘If, following Ahmed, we theorise queerness as orientation rather than identity, how might this problematize and offer new possibilities for our ideas about ‘coming out’ and ‘the closet’?’ FutureSex Conference, University of Surrey, June 2018.
Martin Moore, ‘Sugar and Spikes: Changing Approaches to Diabetes Care’, Evening Seminar,
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 11th April 2019.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘Les maladies non transmissible et l’insécurité alimentaire à Dakar: solutions durables’, Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR) Dakar, 10 January 2020.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘Sustainable eating and food as a global commons: Research from Dakar’ Planetary Health in West Africa, MRC Banjul, The Gambia, January 22-24 2020.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘Care, Community and Consumption: ethnographic perspectives on the emergence of NCDs in Dakar’, UCL Centre for Global Non Communicable Diseases, 27 March 2019.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘Commoning, Care and Decolonisation: Responding to Chronic Disease in Dakar’ (Post)Colonial Medical Humanities University of Leeds, June 20-21 2019.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘Too much or not enough?’ European Association for African Studies Edinburgh University, June 10-14 2019.
Branwyn Poleykett, ‘From Planetary Health to Everyday Eating: Encountering “new diseases” in Dakar’, Sites of Health: A Symposium on the Medical Humanities Shanghai, University of Shanghai, 27-28 April 2019.
Jessie Stanier, ‘Ageing & Senescence: a phenomenological case for rejecting “pathologies of age” ‘GPhen – Research Summer School Genetic Phenomenology – Limit Problems: The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics, and Ethic, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, September 2nd-6th 2019,
Jessie Stanier, ‘Ageing & Senescence: a phenomenological case for rejecting “pathologies of age”’ British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference, Manchester UK, September 5th-7th 2019,
Dora Vargha, ‘Technical assistance and socialist international health’. Annual meeting of the History of Science Society, Utrecht, July 24-27, 2019.
Dora Vargha, ‘Socialist internationalism & accountability: the (non)relevance of a Western concept for a non-Western context’. Global Governance and Accountability in Post-World War II Health Care workshop. Utrecht, July 21-22, 2019.
Dora Vargha, ‘Standardizing the dead and the live: polio vaccines and the World Health Organization’. Standards and Their Containers. Interdisciplinary conference, University of Oxford, April 2019.
Dora Vargha, ‘Technical assistance and socialist international health’. The Meaning(s) of Global Public Health: scholarly and policy implications. Brocher Foundation, Geneva, November 28-30, 2018.
Dora Vargha, ‘The roots of socialist international health: view from Eastern Europe’. American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM) annual meeting, Los Angeles, May 10-13, 2018.
Katrina Wyatt, ‘Researching Complexity: Complex Methodologies for Researching and Intervening in Complex Systems’. Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, 13-14th June, 2017.
Manuela Barreto, Loneliness podcast for Faculti, June 2020.
Manuela Barreto, Loneliness podcast for with Doug Drinkwater (journalist), Any Perrin (CEO of Marmalade Trust), and Louise Goulden (The Together Project). June 2020.
Manuela Barreto, 27 May 2020: coverage of publication of PAID paper: included radio interviews (talkRADIO, Sunday 31st May) and coverage in a wide range of national, international and local press.
Manuela Barreto has appeared widely on TV and on radio, covering mental health, community support and Covid-19 including interviews on BBC R4, BBC South West, BBC World Service) on loneliness while at home with family (01 May 2020).
Manuela Barreto – media attention for the BBC loneliness experiment (Feb to Nov 2018), including You and Yours (BBC Radio 4): Huffington Post and national and international news
Lara Choksey, Interview on LitSci Podcast: Epigenetics, Race, and Activism. July 2019.
Luna Dolezal, Thales Well Podcast “On Shame”, September 2019.
Luna Dolezal, Department of Ultimology, Radio Essay Interviewee, speaking about “Face to Face Learning, An Ultimological Concern?: The Presence of Telepresence and the question of Speaker Vulnerability” (2019)
Robin Durie, Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Unit Interview, 26 June 2018
Robin Durie. June 2020. Podcast ‘Medicalising death. rethinking the end of life’ Interview for Episode 4, Time For Thought” site
Mark Jackson’s work on the midlife crisis has appeared regularly in the press, including feature articles in The Sunday Telegraph, The Sunday Times, and The Guardian.
Zaina Mahmoud, Voices of Family Law Podcast appearance, August 2019.
Zaina Mahmoud, Sky News interview/discussion on Whittington NHS Trust, Dec 2019.
Alex Smalley (2020), Comments for BBC and Washington Post from PhD work on Forest 404 and impact of digital and virtual nature on wellbeing; interview on BBC Radio Scotland, Radio Devon, BBC Spotlight and BBC R4 Farming Today. on PhD Research
Alex Smalley, 2019, Forest 404. T1: Why should I listen to trees
Dora Vargha, How long the Coronavirus pandemic will last. Channel 4 News, May 28, 2020
Dora Vargha, The Race for a Cure: Making Britain Safe. The Tonight Programme, ITV, May 21, 2020
Dora Vargha, “A járványok felerősítik a meglévő feszültségeket” Feature interview in, May 20, 2020
Dora Vargha, Interview on historical sources and epidemics, ITV Westcountry, May 20, 2020 Dora Vargha, Live interview on the end of COVID-19, CNN newsroom, May 11, 2020
Dora Vargha, ‘How Pandemics End’ The New York Times, May 10, 2020
Dora Vargha, 3 live interviews on the history of epidemics, BBC Radio Devon, April-May, 2020
Dora Vargha, „Bizalomra és összefogásra van szükség a járvány megállításához” Feature interview in, April 23, 2020
Dora Vargha, Resist. Episode of historical program ‘When Greeks Flew Kites’. Interview on the history of polio on BBC Radio 4, February 4, 2018
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