To apply for the RIA, email In your email, please answer these questions. We’d appreciate brief answers of fewer than 250 words!
For example, you could use it to:
– develop a research question
– explore an issue
– search the available literature if you’re not sure if your idea is a new one
– bring people together to start a collaboration
This covers values such as:
– how the funding will be used to build the relationships or help create the conditions for future engaged research
– what people, communities, groups or organisations would be brought together by the project
– how the project will support or develop co-creation
A simple outline of your spending plans – there is more information available in the notes about what you can use the funding for.
The feedback will be different for each activity but could be (for example) a blog post, photo-journal, short film or project diary. We aim to post the feedback (or a link to it) on the Centre website, as a record of your activity and a source of inspiration to other applicants.
+44 (0)1392 722143