
culture + environment creating health + wellbeing engaged research

Young Persons’ Advisory Group


Project Lead:

Camilla Forbes (McHugh)

Additional Researchers:


Aim of the project:

The overarching aim of this project is to research how to establish a young people’s advisory group to support YP involvement as co-researchers at University of Exeter.

The heart of this project is about understanding how best to engage young people (YP) as partners in developing and delivering research. Drawing upon existing involvement practices as well as our experience in undertaking engaged research across different disciplines, we want to co-create a young person’s advisory group (YPAG) to support engaged research about YP within the university. From the outset the Group will be co-designed with YP and researchers from different disciplinary perspectives who use different types of research designs. The initial months will be spent co-designing the Group, reviewing ethical and practical considerations, understanding what the benefits are for YP. We would then seek to establish the Group and develop the process of engaging YP in research.

Project Outcomes:


infographic showing outcomes of project work