
culture + environment creating health + wellbeing engaged research

Professional Services

Lucy Hodges

Centre Manager

Lucy oversees the professional services staff in the centre and supports the strategic development of the centre’s activity.

Alice Waterson

Project Co-ordinator: Shame and Medicine

Alice co-ordinates the Shame and Medicine project and supports the academics with their research activity.

Charlotte Bardell

Centre Administrator

Charlotte provides professional services support to academics in the centre.

Vivienne Bates

Project Co-ordinator: Connecting 3 Worlds

Vivienne supports the Connecting 3 Worlds project and supports the academics with their research activity.

Pat Pinkowska

Engaged Research Facilitator

Pat supports engaged research activity within the Centre and job shares her role with Lewis.

Lewis Winks

Engaged Research Facilitator

Lewis supports engaged research activity within the Centre and job shares his role with Pat.

Hannah Nelson

Centre Administrator

Hannah provides professional services support to academics in the centre.